Friday, August 31, 2018

Growth vs Fixed Mindset

What do you have a fixed mindset about? How can you promote a growth mindset in yourself and others?

Here's a link to the Ted Talk by Eduardo Briceno and the Stanford Talk by Carol Dwek, on "Developing a Growth Mindset" that we watched in class today. You might want to watch them again without classroom distractions.

For Tuesday's class, please remember to bring in one concrete suggestions for our Call to Action Day  activity.

Have an excellent long weekend!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Welcome! This blog will be your best source for information and assignments. Please sign up to get email updates so that you don't miss a thing.

Before Thursday's class, please read the article, "How Not to Talk to Your Kids." Use the methods described in class and in the Harvard Reading Strategies to purposefully annotate it, and then use your annotations to write a one-page summary/response to the article. Both your annotated copy of the article and your response will be due in class on Thursday. More help and information about purposeful annotation (close reading) can be found on-line here.

In addition, please review the summer reading questions about the life of Sister Dorothy Stang. If you haven't yet read Martyr of the Amazon, please grab a copy on reserve in the library, and spend a little quality time with the book.