Monday, October 15, 2018

Midterm Exam

On Thursday we will have our midterm exam. It will be a take home exam, due before midnight, through TurnItIn on the class Moodle. You may study together (recommended), but your answers should be your own (TurnItIn knows). There will be no class meeting on Thursday. Email me right away if you run into any difficulties.

To prepare, review the class blog and your notes. You will need to be able to briefly define/summarize the neurosciences concepts we have explored:
  1. Growth vs. Fixed Mindset; 
  2. The Adolescent Brain; 
  3. Stereotype Threat; 
  4. Effects of Stress; 
  5. Neuro-plasticity; and 
  6. Dyslexia. 
Strong summaries will include an example of an experiment described in the article or talk.

You will also need to be able to identify on a map the locations of the ancient schools we've visited and, in a sentence or two, describe the education system of each place and the purposes they served in their societies:
  1. The Eduba of Mesopotamia
  2. The Imperial Examination System of China
  3. Greece (Athens and Sparta) & Rome
  4. The TÄ“lpochcalli and the Calmecac of the Aztec Empire

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